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Sunday, December 19, 2010

Photos of the Day!

Hello, bloggin' friends! It has been an absolutely CRAZY week in these parts, so my post today has nothing to do with stamping...sorry! Today my husband and I decided that we have been way too consumed with holiday prep and just put it on pause to simply enjoy the moment. We just stopped stressing about getting everything finished and had a wonderful day together! With that, I give you my "photos of the day":

Here is my Tomas, in his "relaxed-pose" (note the tongue):
 We caught Mr. Emmitt on the bed this afternoon sneaking in a nap:
 I actually attempted to give Ozzy a haircut today. Yup, I have decided that I am completely NOT qualified to consider dog-grooming as a profession. I was a wee-bit "scissor-happy". Poor guy! As with ANY bad haircut, it will grow back...I hope! :)
Here is the "before":

 This next photo was completely unplanned! I wanted to snap a few shots of Benjamin, to round out the fur-clan, and he was just too bored to cooperate with me! After posting it, I have decided that his furry face completely exemplifies how I felt finishing up some holiday shopping yesterday! Rawr
Tonight, my hubby and I enjoyed a great "date night", complete with a delicious dinner and a movie. Even with 6 sleeps left to the big day, it is so nice to slow it down and re-connect! I will be back with a creative post soon, but tonight, I just wanted to keep it simple! Hope you all had a great day! :)


  1. AM - I love your post!! I feel the EXACT same way right now - Holidays aren't as fun when you grow up!!! :(
    I'm glad you and Dave had a great night. We really need to get our guys together soon - really just an excuse for us to get together ;). Talk to you soon!!

  2. Great pictures, love that one of the yawning cat, it's too funny! We had a date night too last night, dinner and a movie too (we saw Tron). Glad you were able to spend time together.

  3. Great photos, especially Benjamin...cute and funny!

  4. Gorgeous pets, love the last photo - a great shot!

  5. Thanks for following Anne Marie and good luck on the drawing! I hope Santa brings you that lense you want. These pics are adorable and you know you'd be inspired to take even more once you got your Christmas wish, lol. =)

  6. ALL the "fur kids" are adorable - but I'm afraid Benjamine takes the prize on this post! Are you sure instead of "say cheese" you didn't "say ahhhhh"! Too cute.

  7. Congrats on stopping the craziness and reconnecting with each other, love it. I am loving your fur babies, Benjamin has very clean teeth for a kitty :) I agree with him, aaagghhhh stop the world I want to get off. Ozzy's haircut is not bad at all, he looks handsome. Thanks for sharing, I love the fur babies.

  8. these pix are too much fun!!! I'd love to visit your place one day. :o) Your pets are adorable! and that last one with Benjamin...priceless!!! I can't stop giggling. Sounds like you had the perfect "date night". We, too, could use one here. Hopefully soon! :o)

  9. Fabulous photos, Anne Marie! What a gorgeous group of fur-babies!

  10. Such cute pictures. I love your kitty.

  11. Love your babies! Thanks for sharing!

  12. You may not have posted a card but you sure did entertain me with your great photos of your furry four-legged babies! Great pics!

  13. Adorable, that last photo is to funny.

  14. I adore these photos of your pets!!! They definitely brought a smile to my face! : )

  15. Awww, thank you for sharing these pictures!

    Wishing you and your family a holiday season filled with love and joy!

  16. Anne Marie I sooooo totallly get it.
    Hope you had a wonderful "date night" and see you in the NEW YEAR.
    Have a MERRY Christmas and enjoy.

  17. I love cards, but a cute pet photo tops my list over those any day :-) Thank you for sharing the pics. Looks like Mr. Emmitt is settling in well, and the others look very content too. Have a wonderful Christmas!!

  18. gosh your cat is just sooooo cute.
    love the last photo

  19. Anne Marie, LOVE the shots of your babies. I had such fun visiting with them!

  20. I adore your photos. What a great fuzzy family.

  21. Love your furry family. Great photos!

  22. Anne Marie,

    Your maine coon is just gorgeous! Please give Benjamin a "treat" for me.

  23. Regarding Mr. Emmitt ... a schnauzer napping? The only other acticity that is even more unusual, would be to see him eating ... anything in sight. After all, isn't that what schanuzers do best? (I should know...I have 3 of them!)

    BTW...your pets are too cute but of course, Mr. Emmitt wins the award for first prize for 'cuteness'!


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment!
Have a great day! :)
Anne Marie